Lots of people have been asking me what some of my favorite I Phone Apps are since I have had my I Phone for quite awhile now. I thought I would share them here so whether for business use, there should be something for everyone.
I will list my favorites first then describe each one according to how I use them.
Amazon Kindle
Dragon Dictation
Web Albums
5-0 Radio
Lose It
Drop Box
Facebook speaks for itself, no better way to catch up than using Facebook for the Iphone
Amazon Kindle- the Iphone version of the Kindle App is even better than the real Kindle if you ask me. I actually purchased a Kindle for Christmas because I loved this app so much but was disappointed with the "real thing" because of the lack of touch screen that comes with the Iphone app. Also, the screen flashes when you turn a page, kind of a slow blink and that too was a downgrade to the Iphone app. You do loose screen size with the Iphone, but there are so many advantages to having your books in a compact size you will have with you anyway, nothing extra to tote around. A must for anyone who reads, and the free selection of books make this even more appealing.
Dragon Dictation is awesome especially if you think of things while driving but don't want to take your eyes off the wheel to text. For example, I might simply need to make an important phone call when arriving to work, but just know with so many other things on my mind I will forget this. So, I open Dragon Dictation, push one button and "Speak" my message, then one more button and I can send it either as an email or text with very little effort and the message is waiting for me as a reminder when I log on at work. There are tons of other ways to use this but being forgetful like I am, this is fantastic!
Evernote - works with your online account of Evernote where you can save typed files, photos, or spoken messages and sort them however you find useful.
Google - is just that, a search engine like you would have on your computer, but they make it better because you can "speak" the business you might be looking for, and it will give you the listing with one button dial feature also to keep you as hands free as possible. I have used this many times while looking for certain merchandise, or even calling ahead to pick up dinner.
Web Albums - this is a IPhone version of Picasa's Web Albums. This is great if you already use Picasa because you just sign in and there are all your photos to show from your brothers wedding, to the new house you want to show family when you go for a visit. No need to drag the photo albums out of the closet.
5-0 Radio is a police scanner and allows you to listen to your general area, whether it is police or fire and ems. If you have a loved one who works in these fields, you can listen in on the calls they may be heading too.
Lose It - if you are like me, you are continually dieting or watching what you eat, or just trying to get more active. This app is great because it has tons of foods you can track in their food journal, as well as many, many exercises and how many calories you can burn doing them. It has endless possibilities so definitely a good one to check out.
DropBox - syncs with your PC version and you simply drop files into it on your desktop and it is instantly available on your Iphone. Maybe a PDF file you needed to read, or a recipe you wanted to share, it is right there as if you were on your PC at home.
These are just a few, but maybe you have favorites not mentioned here? Let me know some of your favorites!