As a parent you always try to protect your children. It seems as though television, radio, concerts, etc... now need censoring. Our families at MBA all seem to be very close. Finding activities that are appropriate for all ages seems to be harder and harder. We can find shows or movies that entertain the little ones but bore the young adults. We find shows for the young adults and the little ones are just too young. It always seems the adults and elders suffer through just to see the smiles on the little ones face. For this holiday season I took my family to see Cirque Dreams Holidaze. It was truly entertainment for the whole family. Our family ranges from 4 to 65 and they all sat in amazement.
My daughter and I also had a girls night out to enjoy one of our favorite comedians, Anita Renfroe. She is known for the "Mom Song" but does numerous other skits. She can be found on tour with Women of Faith or local churchs. She has been on Good Morning America and all over YouTube. She can brighten your day and bring laughter to your life. Check her out at or